Monday, 22 September 2008

WTT Visit - August 19th 2008

The project was recently visited on the 19th of August by Tim Jacklin and Paul Gaskell of the Wild Trout Trust for advisory visit. Mick and Del of the project accompanied them along the project's stretch of the Erewash and Nutt brook.

The WTT report can be viewed at:

The report is very encouraging, and as the conclusions states:

1.0 Conclusion
This section of the River Erewash has habitat which is capable of supporting adult trout. Their absence is probably because of the following factors:
· intermittent water quality problems (as described in section 2.0)
· limited trout spawning habitat in the form of suitable gravel riffles because of the low gradient of the river, past river engineering works, and the flashy runoff regime
If trout populations could be found within the wider catchment and actions targeted at improving and extending these populations, then it may be possible to return wild trout to this section of the Erewash.

In short, with the projects's continued hard work and efforts the Erewash once again will be a river with it's own self sustaining wild trout population.

River Erewash Flood video

Whilst surfing through the net I came across a short video on You Tube featuring a flooded River Erewash, I can only presume it was filmed on the upper reaches near Pinxton, unless of course you know better!